Wednesday 22 August 2018

Big Fat Zero Cup Cakes


Although these have no fat they are still high in sugar so are a treat food!  Enjoy

 Big Fat Zero Cup Cakes

3 eggs
½  cup castor sugar
1 Tablespoon boiling water
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
¾ cup plain flour

1 1/2  cup icing sugar
2-3 Tablespoon boiling water
Flavouring essence

1.   Preheat the oven to 180 °C
2.     Break eggs and sugar into a large bowl.
3.     Using electric beater beat for 5-8 minutes until the mixture is thick and pale and trebled in size.
4.     Using a metal spoon fold in half the flour. When that is complete folded in add the remaining flour.  Lastly, add the hot water and vanilla.
5.     Spoon the mixture into the prepared patty cases and bake for 10 – 15 minutes or until golden and springy when gently pressed.
6.     Allow to cool completely before decorating.

Combine icing sugar with a few drops of lemon juice or essence and water to make a spreadable icing.  (It is only a small amount of water).   Ice the top of each cupcake with icing and decorate, as you like.  Or add a little more water and drizzle over cup cakes.