Wednesday 22 August 2018

Big Fat Zero Cup Cakes


Although these have no fat they are still high in sugar so are a treat food!  Enjoy

 Big Fat Zero Cup Cakes

3 eggs
½  cup castor sugar
1 Tablespoon boiling water
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
¾ cup plain flour

1 1/2  cup icing sugar
2-3 Tablespoon boiling water
Flavouring essence

1.   Preheat the oven to 180 °C
2.     Break eggs and sugar into a large bowl.
3.     Using electric beater beat for 5-8 minutes until the mixture is thick and pale and trebled in size.
4.     Using a metal spoon fold in half the flour. When that is complete folded in add the remaining flour.  Lastly, add the hot water and vanilla.
5.     Spoon the mixture into the prepared patty cases and bake for 10 – 15 minutes or until golden and springy when gently pressed.
6.     Allow to cool completely before decorating.

Combine icing sugar with a few drops of lemon juice or essence and water to make a spreadable icing.  (It is only a small amount of water).   Ice the top of each cupcake with icing and decorate, as you like.  Or add a little more water and drizzle over cup cakes.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Cutting up pumpkins tip

If you have trouble cutting pumpkin, try cooking it in the microwave for three minutes. This will soften it enough to easily remove the skin and make it much easier to chop up.

Saturday 21 July 2018

How to make: Apple and carrot pikelets

Here is the link to the recipe.  I haven't tried them yet but they sound interesting.

Healthy Food Guide Brownie

This brownie recipe was voted one of the most popular recipes in the Healthy Food Guide so I thought it was worth adding to our Brownie investigations.
Click on the link below for the recipe.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Monday 18 June 2018

Easy oat and yogurt bread

Click on the link below for this easy recipe which is rolled oats and yogurt plus some baking soda and salt with a few seeds thrown in.  When I put it in the tin I press it down firmly.  If you wait for it to cool it cuts quite well and you can put left overs in the freezer.  It is quite a heavy bread so goes particularly well with soup.

Thursday 31 May 2018

How to make Sapasui (Chop Suey)

See recipe in the post below.

Island Eating: Sarah's Sapasui — Coconut

Click on the Island Eating link and you will find a video of Sarah making this recipe.  Room 5 made it in the foods room today and it was delicious.

Island Eating: Sarah's Sapasui — Coconet: At the heart of every island gathering is Samoa's staple dish of choice - Sapasui!  Aunty Sarah shares her famous recipe with the Coconet.TV

700gms Gravy beef/Chuck steak
2 x Packets of Vermicelli
Sungold Soy style sauce (thick)
Canola oil
2 x Garlic
1 x brown onion


Cut meat into bite size cubes
Rinse meat with water and add to large pot
Set stove to medium heat
Steam meat with a cup of water for 15 mins
Soak vermicelli in COLD water to soften, leave to soak
Ready ingredients and set aside.

Room 4's great cooks cooking up  Sapasui for Somoan Week.

Sunday 29 April 2018

The perfect plate | Australian Healthy Food Guide

I'm not sure if there really is a perfect plate but here is a guide to a good start.  The link below will take you the original source.

The perfect plate | Australian Healthy Food Guide

Monday 26 February 2018

Videos of easy meals to make

This is a sample of what you will find on this site.

If you would like a video of how to prepare these easy meals click on the link below.

All the information you need to cook loads of vegetables.

Great new page on the vegetable website giving you all the information to cooking any vegetable you can think of.